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NARMC has new Care Providers and is Expanding Rehabilitation Services

Dalton Smith is a physical therapist and Nataley Merz is a speech language pathologist joining North Arkansas Regional Medical Center (NARMC).

NARMC Director of Marketing and Community Relations Kim Rosson appeared with the two new additions to the hospital on KHOZ's "Around The Table" on Wednesday. Rosson said that they will work in NARMC's rehabilitation services. "So, we're super excited," she said. She also highlighted the pediatric therapy services, which is gearing up for an expansion.

Smith works in orthopedics, pediatrics "and kind of whatever's needed." Orthopedics fills most of his time.

The physical therapist sees a lot of different patients who are experiencing different issues. He mainly focuses on adults and sees pediatric patients on the side.

Merz, on the other hand, sees a lot of "outpatient" pediatric patients. However, she works with other patients too.

She works with outpatient adults and more. Helping children with a variety of communication problems in addition to feeding and swallowing struggles.

She provides the same care for adults. Merz, Smith and Rosson discussed more during the broadcast.

The full interview is on the "Around The Table" Facebook Page.

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