Harrison PD receives wage increase for graveyard shift workers.
At the Harrison City Council meeting on Thursday night the council passed a pay increase for police officers working the graveyard shift.
Officers with Harrison PD rotate on and off the graveyard shift every three months and while working that shift, they currently receive an increase of 20 cents per hour. With this increase their pay will be bumped up to one dollar and hour more than the daytime shifts.
Harrison Police Chief Chris Graddy made the request for this increase to the council’s finance committee when it met earlier in June.
Regarding the request made by Graddy, Mitch Magness, chairman of the council finance committee said, “The financial impact [on the city] is not the issue to be honest with you, because it’s only about $5,000. But he [Chief Graddy] thinks it will keep the police department and the dispatch competitive with other businesses in town that pay a differential.”
Councilman Bill Boswell noted that the city and police department will share some responsibility in reminding officers who see an increase in pay during their graveyard shifts that, that increase will go away when they return to another shift.
Chief Graddy was not present at the meeting to make a statement about the pay increase due to illness.
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