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Boone County Library This Month

Boone County Library has lots to offer this month.

Terri Register and Amy from the library appeared on KHOZ's "Around The Table" on Thursday to discuss the upcoming activities. She said Sept. 28 is National Good Neighbor Day. In addition, Arkansas Game and Fish will visit the library on Sept. 12 and Sept. 26.

There will be a back-to-school cooking class. While this isn't related to the class, it's yet another scheduled event: Hickory Hills Insurance will come on Sept. 14 and Sept. 28 to discuss Medicare.

Register added that September is "Library Card Signup Month." Register said anyone who gets a new card will automatically be eligible to win a door prize via drawing at the end of the month.

Amy said children's programs include a scavenger hunt. The hunt is a month-long, and there is a prize basket.

A dinosaur egg excavation is in-store next week. More was discussed on the broadcast.

The full interview with Amy and Register is on the "Around The Table" Facebook Page.

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